Sunday, October 25, 2020

Our Program. If you adults won't save the world, we will. October 26 to November 1, 2020.



 to this week's meeting of
The Rotary E-Club of Canada One
For the week beginning October 26, 2020

Scroll down to enjoy the content!

Complete the form for a make-up!

Please leave a donation to assist our club to do Rotary's good works!

Looking for an Archived Meeting from September 2020 and on?
Just scroll to the very bottom!!


Greeter this week 
Rotarian David Werrett

October Focus - Economic and 
Community Development

November Focus - The Rotary Foundation

Inspirational moment 


Comments from our guests and members 

Members and guests attending our weekly meetings are very important to us. Based on your comments we are able to produce many more educational, inspiring, and entertaining weekly meetings.

Following are some of the comments we have received. Would you please send us your comments?   

September 27. The story of the Jaipur foot is an amazing success story being designed in Jaipur in 1968 and being made there for about $45. As it is inexpensive and widely acceptable as a prosthesis, it has resulted in it being widely used in India.
-- David Werrett, E-Club of Canada One, District 5370

Saki Mafundikwa. I had no idea that such an in-depth education existed in symbol writing and graphic design in Africa. What a true educator Saki has become by creating a college for these studies!
-- Larry Reynolds, Rotary Club of Campbell River Luncheon, District 5020

African Alphabets symbols and design. Excellent summary of history of African art design.
-- Lynne Ternosky, Rotary Club of District 6330 Passport

Saki Mafundikwa. Saki discussed and highlighted many forms of man’s earliest alphabets dating back to 1900 BC. He encourages Africans to continue to use these ancient secret symbolic forms today and to try and incorporate them into graphic designs.
-- Michael Thomas, Rotary Club of Stony Plain, District 5370


Archived Meetings
  • For meetings before September 2020, please click here. 
  • For meetings starting September 2020, please scroll to the very bottom of this page.

A message from our recent visitor 

and winner of Cdn$100.00 to the Foundation Polio Plus fund in his name, Keith Montgomery. 

It's been a long time since I've written anything about myself, being retired and trying to stay that way but here goes:

My name is Keith Montgomery and I have been a Bracebridge Rotarian for over 35 years - 31 with perfect attendance. My club has 70 members. I am a Past President and a Paul Harris Fellow +4 as well as a Foundation Benefactor.

Over the years I have been involved on most committees, but have concentrated on World Community Service and Youth Exchange. My Australian wife, whom I met and married on a trip around the world, is also now a member and currently Youth Exchange Chair. Our family of 6 has hosted over 15 students from around the globe.

My wife and I went on a mission trip to Cambodia to distribute over 1000 bicycles to school age students on the Rotary Wheels For Learning program. Also, I was privileged to lead a group of Interactors on a mission program to an orphanage in Freeport Bahamas where we set up a library and computer training facility. I am very proud that my Club sponsored 2 Syrian refugee families and helped 11 people establish new lives in Canada.

I love being a Rotarian and the many avenues of service it provides to help others, not only in my community, but around the world! One of my favourite activities is to visit other Rotary Clubs, no matter where I am on the planet. 

(Thanks again, Keith, for attending our online meeting and supporting our club projects.)


Material Suggestions and Greeter Messages Always Needed!

Do you have a Rotary story that you'd like to share with the Rotary World?

Please feel free to forward an approx. 150 - 200 word message or any material suggestions in an e-mail, or in a Word document, along with a JPeg picture or two, to E-Club Administration Chair, Kitty Bucsko.

We'd love to hear from you!

Your attendance could earn you Paul Harris Points

The Rotary E-club of Canada One is excited to announce that all of our attending guests who make a donation to our club in lieu of a meal, fines or happy bucks, will have the opportunity to have their name entered in a quarterly draw in support of the Rotary Foundation.

For more information, please click on the READ MORE link at the top of the weekly meeting.

Real-time meetings

Each 3rd Tuesday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) is our Fellowship Assembly, and we often invite interesting speakers or Rotary Leaders for this entertaining, educational fun event.

Each Thursday Morning from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. (Mountain Time) we host a casual FellowSIP Coffee Chat. 

Everyone is welcome to attend and we encourage your participation.

Please click our Event Calendar for details and access Link.

For further inquiries or suggestions please contact:

All our videos can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Anyone can subscribe to our channel so that you will be automatically notified when a new video is posted.
How do you support our club?

In order for our club to continue its much-needed projects helping others, your contributions are critical.  You may use either:
  • The Paypal button on our ClubRunner Home Page
  • The donation button on the attendance form, or 
  • Send a cheque to:

The Rotary E-Club of Canada One
Apt. 1708
1108 6th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
Canada   T2P 5K1


New members' corner 

Rotary minute

Food for thought

Rotary Jukebox 

For a small donation, your favorite musician will be featured on one of our next e-meetings for everyone to enjoy.

Every week we'll have a draw and the lucky person will see their song featured

This week -  Uptown funk

Speaker Program 

Four-way Test

To close the meeting, Rotarian Keith Evans, our President-elect, recites the Four-Way Test of the things that Rotarians think, say, or do.

Thank you for joining us.  We appreciate your feedback and hope you will return and invite a guest.  

Please Click HERE to leave us a comment or send a message.

Scroll down for Program Donations and Attendance links. 

Our Facebook page.  Please remember to check out our posts on the Rotary 

E-Club’s Facebook page.  We work hard to post something every second day, sometimes more often.  

Invite friends to Like our page and enjoy our posts.  Also, please take the time to Share our posts on your Facebook Page. 
Attendance Links 

Complete the attendance/donation form to have your attendance recognized.
  • Visiting Rotarians and guests  -  Click HERE.
  • Members of Rotary E-Club of Canada One  -  Click HERE.

Confirmation of your attendance will be sent to your e-mail address promptly.

Please support our club!

Donate For the Meeting You Have Attended.

Please consider making a small donation in lieu of a meal 
to help us help those in need.  

We thank you very much!

Program Donations

Our E-Club is a dynamic club comprised of ordinary working and retired people who acknowledge that Rotarians are people who are generous with their time and their resources. 

Our club and the program you have just enjoyed, either as a member or a visitor, is funded only by donations.

We are developing ideas for fundraising with our members who are scattered across Canada, USA, Central America, and Europe, but we do need your help.

As you have not had to buy lunch or travel to attend this program, please make a donation of a minimum of $10.00, considering you're saving in time and cost in appreciation for the experience you have enjoyed. 

  • Visiting Rotarians and guests  -  Click HERE.
  • Members of Rotary E-Club of Canada One  -  Click HERE.

Join Us!
Interested in providing Rotary Service? Unable to attend terra club meetings? 

Contact our membership chair for information or
click HERE for e-club Active Membership application.
or HERE to learn about Associate Membership

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