Sunday, January 26, 2020

Our Program. Honku. January 27 to February 2, 2020


 to this week's meeting of
The Rotary E-Club of Canada One
For the week beginning January 27, 2020

Scroll down to enjoy the content!

Complete the form for a make-up!

Please leave a donation to assist our club do Rotary's good works!

Looking for an Archived Meeting from February 4th, 2019 and on?
Just scroll to the very bottom!!


Greeter this week 
David Werrett

January - Vocational Service Month

February - Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution

Inspirational moment 
...contributed by Rotarian Elly


Comments from our guests and members

Members and guests attending our weekly meetings are very important to us. Based on your comments we are able to produce many more educational, inspiring and entertaining weekly meetings.

Following are some of the comments we have received. Would you please send us your comments?   

December 7.  Alma Deutscher's talents are amazing.  She had the ability to play the violin and piano so competently at such a young age but then to start composing operas as well is almost beyond comprehension.
-- David Werrett, E-Club of Canada One, District 5370

I saw the presentation by Fredros Okuna on Mosquitos, Nina on Genetics, and Ellen Jorgensen in Crisp Technology.  Eye opener.  Thanks for sharing this technology.
-- Salvador Gonzalez, Rotary Club of West El Paso, District 5520

I enjoyed the tracking and forecast presented by Bill gates in his presentation about successes in reduction of extreme poverty and the focuses on where to go next and why this exists and what could be done.  This coupled, with Bill Gates’ presentation on Toilets and what is  being developed and tested in Durban and the health improvement from good sanitation, created in me renewed optimism for positive world changes.
-- Lynne Ternosky, Rotary Club of District 6330 Passport

It was interesting to learn of the tremendous strides that have been made to eradicate poverty in Asia and the potential to improve lives where the need is currently the greatest in Sub-Saharan Africa. The program provided demonstrable ways the course of history can be changed by investing in the innovations that will improve people's lives.
-- Don Smith, Rotary Club of Bracebridge, District 7010

The dog jumping into the piles of leaves – too funny!  Increase in polio outbreaks is disheartening.
-- Andy Adams, Rotary Club of Campbell River, District 5020

Very interesting talks from Bill Gates and really, really enjoyed the collage of greeters!
-- Elly Contreras, E-Club of Canada One, District 5370

Archived Meetings

  • For meetings before November 2019, please click here.
  • For meetings starting November 2019, please scroll to the very bottom of this page.



The Next District Conference is hosted by OUR E-Club of Canada One!

Support our District Governor-Elect, Jim, and his Team
Register now!

Material Suggestions and Greeter Messages Always Needed!

Do you have a Rotary story that you'd like to share with the Rotary World?

Please feel free to forward an approx. 150 - 200 word message or any material suggestions in an e-mail, or in a Word document, along with a JPeg picture or two, to E-Club Administration Chair, Kitty Bucsko.

We'd love to hear from you!

Your attendance could earn you Paul Harris Points

The Rotary E-club of Canada One is excited to announce that all of our attending guests who make a donation to our club in lieu of a meal, fines or happy bucks, will have the opportunity to have their name entered in a quarterly draw in support of the Rotary Foundation.

For more information, please click on the READ MORE link at the top of the weekly meeting.

Real-time meetings

Each 3rd Tuesday of the month from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm (MDT) is our Fellowship Assembly, and we often invite interesting speakers or Rotary Leaders for this entertaining, educational fun event.

Each Thursday Morning from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. (MDT) we host a casual FellowSIP Coffee Chat. 

Everyone is welcome to attend and we encourage your participation.

Please click our Event Calendar for details and access Link.

For further inquiries or suggestions please contact:

All our videos can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Anyone can subscribe to our channel so that you will be automatically notified when a new video is posted.
How do you support our club?

In order for our club to continue its much-needed projects helping others, your contributions are critical.  You may use either:
  • The Paypal button on our ClubRunner Home Page
  • The donation button on the attendance form, or 
  • Send a cheque to:

The Rotary E-Club of Canada One
Apt. 1708
1108 6th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
Canada   T2P 5K1


New members' corner 

A review of Council on Legislation Updates

Welcome to 2020!

The 2019 Council on Legislation may not have made as many dramatic changes as the Council three years ago did, but it made several decisions that will shape the future of Rotary.

Status of Rotaract

Among the most important, the Council elevated the status of Rotaract clubs.  The change broadens the definition of membership in Rotary International to include Rotaract clubs. The change is intended to increase the support that Rotaract clubs receive from RI and to enhance their ability to serve.

Dues increase

As for dues, the Council approved a modest increase of $1 a year for each of three years, beginning in 2020-21. The previous Council set dues for 2019-20 at $34 per half year.

With the increase, the dues that clubs pay to RI per member will increase to $34.50 per half year in 2020-21, $35 per half year in 2021-22, and $35.50 per half year in 2022-23. The dues will not be raised again until a future Council votes to change it.


This year’s representatives resisted pressure to limit some of the flexibility that the 2016 Council granted clubs, rejecting several measures that would have placed restrictions on clubs. One unsuccessful measure would have required clubs to meet at least 40 times each year. 

Many clubs have been using the innovative and flexible club formats to attract new members and meet their current members’ needs.

Rotary minute 


Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) partners work all across the globe to ensure no child is paralyzed by polio ever again.

Today, the three countries of focus are Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan as they have never stopped transmission of endemic wild poliovirus.  The countries are working to deliver vaccination services to their people, to carry out sensitive disease surveillance, and to cooperate to immunize migrating populations across their common border.  GPEI also supports countries that experience or are vulnerable to the rise of vaccine-derived polio viruses (VDPVs), which are rare and only occur when polio vaccination rates are low.  When VDPV cases occur, high levels of vaccination, robust surveillance, and rapid outbreak response are critical.

GPEI is also working to strengthen surveillance and immunization systems in the African and Eastern Mediterranean regions of the World Health Organization to ensure that polio has truly ended and immunity against the virus improves.  In many countries of the world, surveillance against polio is maintained through the GPEI and vaccination activities continue to make sure children remain protected as long as there is polio anywhere.

Food for thought 
...contributed by Rotarian Sharon

Rotary Jukebox 

For a small donation, your favorite musician will be featured on one of our next e-meetings for everyone to enjoy.

Every week we'll have a draw and the lucky person will see their song featured

Bohemian Rhapsody from Wayne's World

Speaker Program 

Aaron is a journalist, an activist, a teacher; and the founder of  Since its launch in 2006, ,Streetsblog has informed, inspired, and helped to build a livable-streets movement that is bringing a more human-centred, less automobile-oriented urban-design and transportation-policy approach to cities across North American and around the world.  

Aaron was a 2012 Loeb Fellow at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design and is the author of Honku: The Zen Antidote for Road Rage.


Four-way Test

To close the meeting, Rotarian Jeff MacFarlane recites the Rotary Four-Way Test.

Thank you for joining us.  We appreciate your feedback and hope you will return and invite a guest.  

Please Click HERE to leave us a comment or send a message.

Scroll down for Program Donations and Attendance links.

Please support our club!

Donate For the Meeting You Have Attended.

Please consider making a small donation in lieu of a meal 
to help us help those in need.  

We thank you very much!

Attendance Links 

Complete the attendance/donation form to have your attendance recognized.
  • Visiting Rotarians and guests  -  Click HERE.
  • Members of Rotary E-Club of Canada One  -  Click HERE.

Confirmation of your attendance will be sent to your e-mail address promptly.
  •  Return to ClubRunner home page - CLICK HERE to return to our ClubRunner Home Page.

Program Donations

Our E-Club is a dynamic club comprised of ordinary working and retired people who acknowledge that Rotarians are people who are generous with their time and their resources. 

Our club and the program you have just enjoyed, either as a member or a visitor, is funded only by donations.

We are developing ideas for fundraising with our members who are scattered across Canada, USA, Central America, and Europe, but we do need your help.

As you have not had to buy lunch or travel to attend this program, please make a donation of a minimum of $10.00, considering you're saving in time and cost in appreciation for the experience you have enjoyed. 

  • Visiting Rotarians and guests  -  Click HERE.
  • Members of Rotary E-Club of Canada One  -  Click HERE.

Join Us!
Interested in providing Rotary Service? Unable to attend terra club meetings? 

Contact our membership chair for information or
click HERE for e-club Active Membership application.
or HERE to learn about Associate Membership

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