Sunday, June 2, 2019

How to disagree productively & find common ground - June 3 to 9, 2019

Welcome to this week's meeting of
The Rotary E-Club of Canada One
For the week beginning June 3, 2019

Guests wanting to do a Makeup 
Prospective Members doing their Required Attendance
should scroll down to attend our weekly meeting and
Complete the Guest Attendance form at the end of the meeting.

Guests attending this meeting  will have a chance to
WIN a CDN $100 donation to the Foundation in your name
(click 'Read More'  on the ClubRunner home page for details on make-ups and winning credits)

Rotary E-Club Members
Please CLICK HERE to report a make-up or volunteer hours for qualifying activities
or scroll down to attend this meeting and submit the attendance form towards the end of the meeting.

Looking for an Archived Meeting from February 4th, 2019 and on?
Just scroll to the very bottom!!



How to disagree productively and 

find common ground

Greeter this week
Rotarian Jean Michel Crepin

Theme for June - Rotary Fellowships

Rotary International Convention

ongoing this week

June 1 to 5, 2019

Inspirational moment
The world pauses this week to remember D-Day - June 6, 1944 - 75 years ago
...submitted by Rotarian Elly

The best things to do in Manitoba

Comments from our guests and members 

Members and guests attending our weekly meetings are very important to us. Based on your comments we are able to produce many more educational, inspiring and entertaining weekly meetings.

Following are some of the comments we have received. Would you please send us your comments?   

Re library and fines.  Bit hard to comprehend that people would not use a library because they are concerned about being fined for an overdue book.
--David Werrett, E-Club of Canada One, District 5370

Fatou Wurie.  The strength of this young woman and the love her grandmother showed her by not allowing old tribal female mutilation proved her true.
--Steve Sandlin, Decatur Daybreak, District 6860

Fatou Wurie.  Fatou returned to Sierra Leone, her homeland.  The first person she went to visit was her grandmother.  Shortly after the grandmother passed away.  During the ritual of washing the body, Fatou was denied participation because she was not a society woman.  This meant she did not go through the bondo or circumcision of a female.

It was Fatou’s grandmother who kept her and her sister from having it done.  She realized that her grandmother was a stronger person than what she ever thought when faced against doing what is a widely accepted ritual.
--Michael Thomas, RC of Stony Plain, District 5370

Fatou Wurie.  I enjoyed learning about the E-club format and like how you engage your members to take place despite being far away from one another!  I like it!
--Cory Tretiak, RC of Airdrie, District 5360

I appreciated an example where values could confront tradition of bondo and make a person stronger.
--Jean Crepin, Rotary E-Club of Canada One, D5370

I attended the Greta Thunberg weekly meeting.  I must say that Greta is extremely impressive.  It is hard to believe that this young teenager has been able to make the dramatic impact she has made.  

In fact, watching this video inspired me to do some additional reading about her and she is actually even more inspirational than the video lets on.  On March 15, 2019, approximately 1.4 million students in 112 countries around the world took part in her strike.  

The next strike is scheduled for May 24, 2019, and all indications are that it will be even bigger.  Way to go!
--JP Kamel, Rotary E-Club of Canada One, D5370

Archived Meetings
  • For meetings before February 2019, please click HERE.
  • For meetings starting February 2019, scroll to the bottom of this blog screen.

District 5370 Conference this year

Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
October 3 to 5, 2019

Rotary Guest Winner 
of the $100 donation to the TRF Annual Fund this quarter is 
Rotarian Janet Koch 
of Rotary Club of Campbell River, District 5020.


World Oceans  Day - June 8, 2019


A healthy world ocean is critical to our survival. Every year, World Oceans Day provides a unique opportunity to honor, help protect, and conserve our world’s shared ocean. The ocean is important because it:

  • Generates most of the oxygen we breathe
  • Helps feed us
  • Regulates our climate
  • Cleans the water we drink
  • Offers a pharmacopoeia of medicines
  • Provides limitless inspiration!

World Oceans Day allows us to:
  • Change perspective – encourage individuals to think about what the ocean means to them and what it has to offer all of us with hopes of conserving it for present and the future generations.
  • Learn – discover the wealth of diverse and beautiful ocean creatures and habitats, how our daily actions affect them, and how we are all interconnected.
  • Change our ways – we are all linked to, and through, the ocean! By taking care of your backyard and helping in your community, you are acting as a caretaker of our ocean. Making small modifications to your everyday habits will make a difference, and involving your family, friends, and community will benefit our blue planet even more!
  • Celebrate – whether you live inland or on the coast, we are all connected to the ocean. Take the time to think about how the ocean affects you, and how you affect the ocean, and then organize or participate in activities that celebrate our ocean. 
Material Suggestions and Greeter Messages Always Needed!

Do you have a Rotary story that you'd like to share with the Rotary World?

Please feel free to forward an approx. 150 - 200 word message or any material suggestions in an e-mail, or in a Word document, along with a JPeg picture or two, to E-Club Administration Chair, Jim Ferguson.

We'd love to hear from you!

Your attendance could earn you Paul Harris Points

The Rotary E-club of Canada One is excited to announce that all of our attending guests who make a donation to our club in lieu of a meal, fines or happy bucks, will have the opportunity to have their name entered in a quarterly draw in support of the Rotary Foundation.

For more information, please click on the READ MORE link at the top of the weekly meeting.

Real-time meetings

Each 3rd Tuesday of the month from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm (MDT) is our Fellowship Assembly, and we often invite interesting speakers or Rotary Leaders for this entertaining, educational fun event.

Each Thursday Morning from 8:00 am to 8:30 am (MDT) we host a casual FellowSIP Coffee Chat. 

Everyone is welcome to attend and we encourage your participation.

Please click our Event Calendar for details and access Link.

For further inquiries or suggestions please contact:

All our videos can be viewed on our YouTube channel:

Anyone can subscribe to our channel so that you will be automatically notified when a new video is posted.
How do you support our club?

In order for our club to continue its much-needed projects helping others, your contributions are critical.  You may use either:
  • The Paypal button on our ClubRunner Home Page
  • The donation button on the attendance form, or 
  • Send a cheque to:

The Rotary E-Club of Canada One
Apt. 1708
1108 6th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
Canada   T2P 5K1

A little humour 

New members' corner

Rotary minute 

In Mexico's migrant shelters, a Rotary grant scholar puts his education into action.

Among those apprehended at the U.S.-Mexican border between October 2015 and January 2016 were 24,616 families  - the vast majority of them from Central America.

Rotarians understand that to have the most impact, we need to learn from other cultures.  As global grant scholars, that’s what we aim to do – during our studies and afterward.

…Levi Vonk, Rotary Global Grant Scholar

Food for thought 

Fascinating view of West Side Story from the percussionist’s headcam

You may wish to watch this all the way through or watch just a bit of it.  But it’s FASCINATING! 

Bernstein's score specifies a timpanist and four percussionists; however, this guy takes it all on his own! This guy should have an award for his contribution to American music...

Rotary Jukebox 

For a small donation, your favorite musician will be featured on one of our next e-meetings for everyone to enjoy.  

Every week, we'll have a draw and the lucky person will see their song featured!

This Week - Submitted and Donated by Rotarian Tammy Waugh

Woven around the music of the award-winning Island songwriter, this P.E.I. love-letter stars Gallant himself, and presents his folk, roots, and pop music, alongside comedic stories, Island legends, and poignant tales in a multimedia format that utilizes film, and visual works from well-known painter Karen Gallant. 

This dynamic, energetic show is storytelling at its best and includes Acadian and Celtic numbers that will have you dancing in your seat in celebration of Canada’s cradle on the waves. The colourful spectacle will offer Lennie Gallant favourites such as ‘Peter’s Dream’ ‘Tales of the Phantom Ship’ and ‘Island Clay’ along with new Island-themed songs.

Speaker Program 
How to disagree productively and find common ground

Attendance Links

Complete the attendance/donation form to have your attendance recognized.
  • Visiting Rotarians and guests  -  Click HERE.
  • Members of Rotary E-Club of Canada One  -  Click HERE.

Confirmation of your attendance will be sent to your e-mail address promptly.
Four-way Test

To close the meeting, Rotarian Bryce Lambert leads us in the Rotary Four-way Test of the things we think, say, or do:

This officially ends this week's meeting.

Thank you for joining us.  We appreciate your feedback and hope you will return and invite a guest.  

Please Click HERE to leave us a comment or send a message.

Scroll down for Program Donations and Attendance links. 
Please support our club!

Donate For the Meeting You Have Attended.

Please consider making a small donation in lieu of a meal 
to help us help those in need.  

We thank you very much!

Program Donations

Our E-Club is a dynamic club comprised of ordinary working and retired people who acknowledge that Rotarians are people who are generous with their time and their resources. 

Our club and the program you have just enjoyed, either as a member or a visitor, is funded only by donations.

We are developing ideas for fundraising with our members who are scattered across Canada, USA, Central America, and Europe, but we do need your help.

As you have not had to buy lunch or travel to attend this program, please make a donation of a minimum of $10.00, considering you're saving in time and cost in appreciation for the experience you have enjoyed. 

  • Visiting Rotarians and guests  -  Click HERE.
  • Members of Rotary E-Club of Canada One  -  Click HERE.

Join Us!
Interested in providing Rotary Service? Unable to attend terra club meetings? 

Contact our membership chair for information or
click HERE for e-club Active Membership application.
or HERE to learn about Associate Membership

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