Sunday, February 26, 2023

Our Program - RI President-elect Gordon McInally. February 27 to March 5, 2023.




 to this week's meeting of
The Rotary E-Club of Canada One
For the week beginning February 27, 2023

Scroll down to enjoy the content!

Complete the form for a make-up!

Please leave a donation to assist our club to do Rotary's good works!

Greeter this week 
Rotarian Keith


Inspirational moment  

by Kelly Bruton
Charlottesville, VA

My day started out just like any other day: get everyone out the door, walk the dog, and head off to the day's scheduled events. I had volunteered to work at Martha's Market, a local non-profit event to raise money for women's health in Charlottesville, Virginia. I was on the loading dock, helping the market vendors move into their booths. I stopped briefly to grab a sandwich and have a drink of water.

As I went to take a bite of the sandwich, somehow a piece of bread broke off, and I inhaled it. Fresh, sticky, whole wheat bread. I started to cough, and it wouldn't budge. In fact, when I tried to inhale, I sucked the bread in more firmly. And coughed more.

Soon, I was standing on the loading dock surrounded by a group of women. My face was red, and my eyes were watering. I was embarrassed, thinking, "Oh my heavens! This can't be happening to me. Everyone is staring at me!" I was wheezing, barely able to suck in any air. The noises I was making were scary ones, ones you don't normally hear people make. I could hear the conversations around me: "Is she ok?" "Is she just coughing or is she choking?" "If she's coughing it means she's getting air, just let her cough!"

I was getting in tiny sips of air- but then, I wasn't. I was completely blocked. I signaled, to the best of my ability, that there was no air. I sliced my hands in a hatchet motion across my throat. The air had stopped.

Christy W. shouted, "That's it! She's not breathing!" She swooped in, pushed everyone away, and grabbed me from behind. She performed the Heimlich maneuver, more than once, and she kept asking, "Can you breathe?" Finally, her efforts dislodged the bread. I sucked in a huge gasp of air, followed by explosive coughing - but I could breathe.

Christy stood there, shaking with adrenaline, and said, "I just completed my recertification two weeks ago. My company makes us do that every year. Are you OK? Do you need to sit down?" And I was OK. I was better than OK: I'd been rescued.

I was rescued by a woman who took her company's training seriously. She was terrified, but she didn't let that stop her from doing what she had learned to do. She watched me for clues to my condition. She didn't stand back; she jumped in and did what was needed.

How many of us think every day, at least once, that this could be our last day on this earth? I never did; I was busy living through each day. But now, every night, I think to myself, "I could have died today," and I smile in gratitude. And you can bet that I'm taking that training to pay it forward!

Originally published as HeroicStories #851 on Dec 26, 2014

Comments from our guests and members

Members and guests attending our weekly meetings are very important to us. Based on your comments we are able to produce many more educational, inspiring, and entertaining weekly meetings.

Following are some of the comments we have received. Would you please send us your comments?   

December 24. Another great meeting. Merry Christmas to all. January 5. Love the humour in the Moth presentation in Blindside. Food insecurity is a reality for so many people today. Our monthly food challenge has garnered about $4,000 in donations over the past two months. Way to go folks!
-- Sharon Blaker, E-Club of Canada One, District 5370

December 25. The speaker makes a good point; positivity and love starts with self and spreads out. Also enjoyed learning more about speaking books and thought it was great that each one gets 120 uses!
-- Brenda Race, E-Club of Canada One, District 5370

The Key to a Good Simple Life. So true! And nice to see the club beginning so well in January!
-- Lynne Ternosky, Rotary Club of D6330 Passport

January 1. A very thought-provoking meeting. I am so glad I never had to go into an iron lung, a few minutes having an MRI seems an eternity.
-- David Werrett, E-Club of Canada One, District 5370

January 2. I LOVED the Navajo Solar Lights Project! I found the story about rope-making fascinating. And I enjoyed that there were a couple of opportunities to sing along :) I thought it was great!
-- Elizabeth Gaffney, Rotary Club of Stratford, District 6330

December 24. Another great meeting, Kitty.
January 2. Remembering Ian Tyson and for his many contributions to Alberta and Canada. We’ll miss him!
-- James Ferguson, E-Club of Canada One, District 5370


Archived Meetings
  • For meetings before September 25, 2022, please click here. 
  • All meetings are archived.  For meetings after September 25, 2022, please scroll to the very bottom of this page.


This month's Rotary theme 



Material Suggestions and Greeter Messages Always Needed!

Do you have a Rotary story that you'd like to share with the Rotary World?

Please feel free to forward an approx. 150 - 200 word message or any material suggestions in an e-mail, or in a Word document, along with a JPeg picture or two, to E-Club Administration Chair, Kitty Bucsko.

We'd love to hear from you!

A lovely story from Jim Kenyon...

Here’s a good story for the weekly meeting! Not a direct Rotary project, but a good local story from a RECCO member... Not really a ‘local’ service but highly relevant.

Jeff Sloychuk is a business agent for the Yukon Carpenter’s Union, and Ukrainian. He, and others, have been collecting things to bring over to Ukraine. His cousin is driving grain trucks back and forth from Poland to Ukraine, and since the truck goes back empty to pick up a load we know that donations will get to the right place. 

He tells me that most aid going over seems to go to a few major cities, so we put together a load of 45 large suitcases (sponsored by Air North and Air Canada) for him to take over. This included everything from winter clothing, cameras, phones, GPS units, radios, body armour, and anything else that would be useful in small towns or in the field. Everything went to small towns in the south.

Jeff sent me these pictures of surgeons picking through some of the $11,000 worth of surgical instruments I sent over. The local hospital has been mostly destroyed and they were pretty happy with the delivery. The guy in the middle is holding a Makita Bone Drill for placing pins in orthopaedic procedures. In the top picture, the guy to his left is holding a bunch of IM Pins that would be put in long bones with the drill.

We’re doing it again and already collecting. The blue jackets were from Yukon Energy and were from the Arctic Winter Games that never happened during Covid. They donated everything.

...Photos submitted by Jeff Sloychuk

Click here to read the article that appeared in the Yukon news.


We appreciate donations made by our generous visiting Rotarians!

The Rotary E-club of Canada One appreciates donations made by visiting Rotarians and guests when they attend our meeting. 

 In recognition of the support given to our Club by these visitors, the Club makes a quarterly donation of $100 to the Rotary Foundation.


Real-time meetings

Each 3rd Tuesday of the month is our Fellowship Assembly, and we often invite interesting speakers or Rotary Leaders for this entertaining, educational fun event.  Plan to join us.  

Each Thursday Morning from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. (Mountain Time) we host a casual FellowSIP Coffee Chat. 

Everyone is welcome to attend and we encourage your participation.

Please click our Event Calendar for details and access Link.

For further inquiries or suggestions please contact:

All our videos can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Anyone can subscribe to our channel so that you will be automatically notified when a new video is posted.
How do you support our club?

In order for our club to continue its much-needed projects helping others, your contributions are critical.  You may use

The Rotary E-Club of Canada One
10430 135 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
Canada   T5N 2C6
(780) 267 4547



New members' corner


Membership in a Rotary or Rotaract club is by invitation only. We want to make sure you join a club that best fits your passion and perspective. We can connect you with a club that's right for you and make it easy to get involved and on your way to membership immediately.

1. You express interest

Let us know a little about yourself and what you’re looking for in a club. We’ll find the local clubs in your area and let them know you’re interested.

2. Rotary matches you with a club

Based on your preferences and interests, Rotary leaders in your community will match you with the local club that fits you best.

3. A local club contacts you

A Rotary or Rotaract club member will contact you by email or phone to discuss your interest in Rotary. You’ll be invited to get to know the club better by attending a club meeting, a social event, or even to join in on a service project as a volunteer.

4. The club invites you to join

Now that you and a local club have spent some time together and determined that you’re a good fit for each other, you will be invited to join. Each club has its own ways of welcoming new members; they may hold a ceremony for you.

5. You’re a member!

Enjoy getting involved in your new club as a Rotary member. Join a committee. Lead a service project. Organize a social event. Lead and contribute to your new club.

Click here to read more.

Rotary minute 

Ending polio forever

Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for over 35 years, and our goal of ridding the earth of this disease is in sight. We started in 1979 with vaccinations for 6 million children in the Philippines. Today, Afghanistan and Pakistan are the only countries where polio remains endemic.

Help us in the final push. Click here.


Food for thought 


Rotary Jukebox 

For a small donation, your favorite musician will be featured on one of our next e-meetings for everyone to enjoy.

Every week we'll have a draw and the lucky person will see their song featured

THIS WEEK - Bill Haley & His Comets
...contributed by Rotarian David


Speaker Program 

Even though this "reveal" was in January, the presentation is superb!  Enjoy! (particularly if you missed it in January!)


Four-way Test

To close the meeting, listen to the Rotary Club of Saskatoon Nutana as they sing the Four-Way Test of the things that Rotarians think, say, or do.

Thank you for joining us.  We appreciate your feedback and hope you will return and invite a guest.  

Please Click HERE to leave us a comment or send a message.

Scroll down for Program Donations and Attendance links. 

Our Facebook page.  Please remember to check out our posts on the Rotary 

E-Club’s Facebook page.  We work hard to post something every second day, sometimes more often.  

Invite friends to Like our page and enjoy our posts.  Also, please take the time to Share our posts on your Facebook Page. 
Attendance Links 

Complete the attendance/donation form to have your attendance recognized.
  • Visiting Rotarians and guests  -  Click HERE.
  • Members of Rotary E-Club of Canada One  -  Click HERE.

Confirmation of your attendance will be sent to your e-mail address promptly.

Please support our club!

Donate For the Meeting You Have Attended.

Please consider making a small donation in lieu of a meal 
to help us help those in need.  

We thank you very much!

Program Donations

Our E-Club is a dynamic club comprised of ordinary working and retired people who acknowledge that Rotarians are people who are generous with their time and their resources. 

Our club and the program you have just enjoyed, either as a member or a visitor, is funded only by donations.

We are developing ideas for fundraising with our members who are scattered across Canada, USA, Central America, and Europe, but we do need your help.

As you have not had to buy lunch or travel to attend this program, please make a donation of a minimum of $10.00, considering you're saving in time and cost in appreciation for the experience you have enjoyed. 

  • Visiting Rotarians and guests  -  Click HERE.
  • Members of Rotary E-Club of Canada One  -  Click HERE.

Join Us!
Interested in providing Rotary Service? Unable to attend terra club meetings? 

Contact our membership chair for information or
click HERE for e-club Active Membership application.
or HERE to learn about Associate Membership




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